Why is the size of my air conditioner so important?
Efficient air conditioning units cycle on and off, keeping the temperature controlled, humidity out and air in your home clean. If your air conditioner is not the correct size, the following may happen:
Too Small: The compressor will run 100% of the time, increasing running costs and machinery wear and tear.
Too Large: The compressor will not turn on often enough to remove humidity from the room resulting in a damp and uncomfortable atmosphere.
What size air conditioning system do I need?
Determining the right size for your air conditioning system depends on a few things. It depends on the size of your space, the number of people occupying it, and the amount of glass in it. We recommend a site visit from one of our sales consultants to correctly determine the size you need for your home or business. If a site inspection is too difficult, we can use floor plans to prepare a quote.
How often should I clean my air conditioner’s filter(s)?
A general indication is when the filter ‘indicator’ light flashes — however it does really depend on the environment and the air purity. In a clean, domestic situation once every season is normally adequate. In a commercial situation, once every month is mandatory.
I’ve cleaned my air conditioner’s filter(s) but the filter light won’t go off?
You will need to press the reset button. On wall mounted split systems and floor console systems you will need to remove the grille to find the reset button. With ducted, light commercial, and commercial situations the reset button is normally on the controller.
When I go on holidays, should I switch my air conditioner off at the powerpoint, switch, isolator, or fuse box?
It is okay to turn the power off, especially if you are away for long periods of time. Most units have a low wattage crankcase heater that keeps the compressor warm. If the compressor is cold, damage will occur at startup. If you turn off your air conditioner it must be turned on at least 12 hours before use.
I have a ducted air conditioning system but the air only comes out in part of the house?
Ducted systems can be designed so that only parts of the house (zones) can be air conditioned at a time. Check that the zone switch is turned on.
During the heating cycle, a white mist is expelled from the outdoor fans?
During winter, most air conditioners defrost when the outdoor temperature is below 6°C. This mist is normal, it is only warm water vapour being expelled.
What is back to back installation?
This applies to the installation of an air conditioning split system. If the installation is back to back, the indoor unit is positioned on the interior wall adjacent to the outdoor unit, reducing the length of the connecting (refrigeration) pipe run between the two units.
What is the operating cost of an air conditioner?
The most energy efficient method of heating or cooling your home or office is reverse cycle air conditioning. Essentially, operating costs are determined by how long the air conditioning system is running and the size of the area to be cooled. It is essential that the correct sized unit is installed. An undersized unit will be significantly more expensive to run taking longer to heat and cool the area effectively.
At an electricity cost ‘tariff’ of 26.7 cents per kw an hour, an average two horse power unit with 1.4 kw power input, would cost approximately 38 cents per hour if it were running non-stop. It is worth nothing that a number of electricity authorities do offer reduced tariff rates and control systems for air conditioning. This highlights the importance of working with an air conditioning company that is both qualified and experienced.
What is an Inverter Air Conditioning System?
An inverter system uses a variable speed compressor, which means that the cooling or heating capacity of the air conditioning system will be automatically varied to suit indoor conditions. This makes inverter systems more economical and efficient to operate. They also offer quieter operation than standard systems. These units will operate at a lower outdoor temperature and will bring the room to the correct temperature quicker. Inverter systems are available as wall mounted split systems or ducted systems.
What is the difference between a room air conditioner and a split system air conditioner?
A room air conditioner is the more common form of air conditioning, where the compressor and fan are together in one box. These units are generally installed into a wall or a window. The split system air conditioner comprises two units — the outdoor condenser and compressor and the indoor unit which houses the evaporator fan. These units are connected by refrigeration pipes. The design of a split system allows the unit to be very quiet in operation, and generally more efficient on electricity use.
What benefits does a ducted air conditioning system have over a split system?
A ducted air conditioning system is designed to cool or heat more than one room within your home. The indoor fan coil unit is situated manually in the ceiling space and is connected to the outdoor condensing unit. Individual outlets are situated in each room with the air conditioning controlled by a central controller. Unlike the ducted system, the split system is primarily designed to air condition only one room. If you are looking for an even flow with air conditioning throughout the entire home, our air conditioning installers recommend a ducted system.
What is meant by ‘zoning’ for a ducted air conditioning system?
Zoning allows you to control air conditioning in different rooms of your home, allowing you to heat or cool certain sections of your house. This is done through the use of zone controls in the ductwork in the ceiling space. So, a two storey house may have an upstairs and downstairs zone, commonly called a day zone and night zone. A larger house may have four or five zones, depending on the size of the air conditioning unit, there may be a restriction to how many zones can operate at any one time.
How are the air conditioning units controlled?
Some air conditioning systems are controlled manually, others by infrared remote control. Split systems, for example, have an infrared remote control with functions to control temperature settings, timers, and humidity levels. Ducted systems are controlled generally through a centrally located, wall mounted controller. This unit controls temperature settings, fan speeds, humidity levels, and timer functions.